Cybercriminals Marketo threatens victims to sell their data

Cybercriminals have a dedicated data-theft extortion marketplaces just to sell their stolen data, and now they are applying maximum pressure on the victims by contacting their competitors. The data found on these sites were obtained through malicious activities performed by the threat actors such as ransomware, malware, and other forms of data breaches. These stolen data are being sold for at the lowest of $100 USD.
Marketo: The stolen data storage platform
Marketo the platform that holds all the stolen data is now accelerating things further and emailing the victim’s competitors for samples of stolen information and luring them to purchase the same. they call it a demo pack.
They are emailing directly something like this, ‘Hey. we are Marketo and we know you have a competitor, and we own some of their data. You may want to take a look at it and see a sample of the same’. The list of companies that received a mail from Marketo include multi-national billion-dollar companies. Though the marketo platform and the approach is new, the idea behind such activities are here for a long time, its all about pressurizing the victims to pay the payments and achieve monetary benefits one way or the other.
Clop ransomware gang have been performing Marketo like activities after they get their hands-on enterprise data.
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