5 million Air Asian Passengers Data Stolen by Daixin Team Ransomware

A ransomware operator gang called ‘Daixin Team’ have shared the sample of stolen data belonging to 5 million AirAsia, a Malaysian airline passengers. The Airline fell victim to a ransomware attack on November 11 and 12, as per Databreaches.net.
The Daixim Team have mentioned to have claimed the personal data associated with 5 million unique passengers and all of its employees. The sample uploaded to the leak site had passenger’s personal data and the booking IDs.

Daixin Team and their targets
As per DataBreach.net, a spokesperson from the Daixin Team mentioned that further attacks weren’t orchestrated due to AirAsia’s poor security measures and the chaotic organization of the network.
A recent cybersecurity advisory from the US cybersecurity intelligence agencies warned of attacks mainly aimed at the healthcare sector and that included a mention of Daixin team and their operation.
Daixin Team have already attacked Fitzgibbon Hospital, ista International GmbH, Trob Total Media and OakBend Medical.
We will release a new article and hyperlink it here, once we have more news on the same.
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