A UK based hacker is arrested for spying on women and children

A hacker from Nottingham, a city in the UK has been arrested and sentenced to prison for 2 year after breaking into phones and computers of women and children to spy and collect indecent images of them.
How did the UK based hacker break into the devices?
Robert Davies, 32 years of age has purchased all sorts of cyber crime tools two years back, starting from RATs to Crypters to evade security and use them as a backdoor to extract data via microphones and camera.
Robert had performed catfishing to attack intended targets by impersonating profiles on social media, and had distributed malicious links to deploy the malware and other threats into the victim devices.
The UK based hacker have distributed malicious software under the impression as it is a crypter to avoid detection from antivirus software. Later, the RAT was used to gain remote access and steal any hot images that has been stored in the device or captured via camera.
In one case, the threat actor has been spying on a teen girl via hacked webcam and has captured 27 private images in total. The videos have also been recorded and extracted from others, with at least 30 confirmed victims. Also the UK based hacker has been a customer of WeleakInfo, which had data gathered from other breaches. Later, the people behind WeLeakInfo were arrested for fraud and cyber crime.
This unusual behavior of the devices and the purchase of tools have been mapped to figure out that their is something suspicious going around with the home devices. The UK National Crime Agency was able to map all that out and got Robert arrested for his illegal activities. Unsurprisingly, the UK based hacker has been already convicted thrice between November 2019 and August 2021 is now facing 26 months jail-term for multiple cyber crimes.
How to keep your children safe from such threats?
While the adults are struggling to cope with the evolving cyber attacks, it is no surprise that the hackers will target children and their privacy. We can take certain steps to ensure our kids internet life is safe to the best extent.
If the children is below teenage try to accompany here then and there while using the devices, teach them basic things like do not fill forms without parental presence, do not click links without permission, do not open mails from unknown sender, etc.
Also tape the cameras off to ensure even if those RATs can breach devices and control the cameras, they can’t capture anything. Ensure no private photos or stored in the device storage, its better to have none. However, if you had some beach vacation pictures or something similar, please make sure they are stored in parent’s devices and not on the children’s.
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