Acura and Honda is affected by Y2K22 bug reseting the navigation clock

Acura and Honda is affected by Y2K22 aka Year 2022 bug which has resets the navigation system clock to Jan 1st 2002, 12:00, 2:00 and 4:00, also this can’t be changed.
This bug seems to affect all the old cars of Honda and Acura including Odyssey, CRV, Honda Pilot, Reidgeline, Acura MDX, CSX, RDX and TL models.
Y2K22 bug impacted Microsoft, Honda and Acura
The same Y2K22 bug was also seen with Microsoft Exchange which froze the email delivery. It is to be noted that only recently Microsoft also fixed the Windows Server Update fixing the Remote Desktop issues. The bug has made Microsoft Exchange to stored the date in int32 variable which can hold a value of 2,147,483,647. However, dates in 2022 should be with the value of 2,201,010,001 for 2022 which causes the software to crash.
This same Y2K22 bug has hit Honda and Acura cars, when spoken to Honda customer care, they said this should be auto-fixed in Aug 2022. And this is what the Honda Customer Care has told a car owner for the enquiry on this date issue,

“Yes, we are so sorry for the issue you are experiencing with your vehicle. We have escalated the NAVI Clock Issue to our Engineering Team and they have informed us that you will experience issue from Jan 2022 thru August 2022 and then it will auto-correct” (Source: Honda Sub-Reddit)
However, Honda and Acura could be fixing this Y2K22 bug to the earliest and will not make its customers to wait for more than six months. If there is any update on this bug, Cybersecurity Times will update you guys about it.
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