Anonymous hackers renamed Putin’s yacht and sent it to hell

Anonymous is on a killing streak and this time it is Putin’s luxury yacht called Graceful. The Anonymous had manipulated maritime traffic data and modified the yacht name to FCKPTN and made it look like the yacht had crashed into Ukraine’s snake Island with destination being ‘hell’.
The Anon Leaks aka Anonymous was able to modify the name and location of Putin’s yacht by manipulating the Automatic Identification System of maritime. This was first disclosed by an investigative reporter called Ryan Gallagher on twitter.
Ryan also mentioned that he happened to have had a conversation with Anonymous hackers and they are planning to enlighten the mood during the dark times by bringing Putin’s yacht under the ‘scope of sanction packages’.
Putin reportedly has a $97 million luxury yacht called "Graceful". A group of Anonymous hackers on Saturday figured out a way to mess with maritime traffic data & made it look like the yacht had crashed into Ukraine's Snake Island, then changed its destination to "hell":
— Ryan Gallagher (@rj_gallagher) February 27, 2022
Anonymous stated that they are also targeting banks and financial institutions, but will not target people or the army and will be focusing on media, state-controlled entities, and companies.
The yacht linked to Putin was reportedly getting repaired in Hamburg, Germany, but moved to Kaliningrad, Russia in early Feb prior to the Ukraine invasion. It has an indoor pool, a spa, helideck, a dancefloor, gym & bar. Pics from inside it in this piece:
— Ryan Gallagher (@rj_gallagher) February 27, 2022
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