William Marshal

DopplePaymer Ransomware launched a website called ‘Dopple Leaks’ to disclose the encrypted data.

DopplePaymer Ransomware creators have published a new website called 'Dopple Leaks' were it has disclosed the encrypted data of few…

5 years ago

Windows 10 privacy guide for increasing user data security

In this guide, we'll discuss how Windows 10 users can reduced their data being tracked and increase their privacy in…

5 years ago

Info-stealing malware ‘Raccoon’ can extract data from 60 applications

Raccoon is deployed using Phishing, Exploit kits and PUA (Potentially Unwanted Applications). This malware was first known as Mohazo, Legion,…

5 years ago

Whitehouse’s communication entity ‘Defense Information System Agency(DISA)’ becomes victim to cyberattack

The US agency that takes care of secured military communication in and out Whitehouse has been hacked and found to…

5 years ago

Guide to Microsoft Endpoint Manager: A hybrid to Configuration Manager and Intune

Microsoft SCCM is a platform for managing network systems, and Intune is another platform that helped users simplify enterprise mobility…

5 years ago

Puerto Rico Government loses 2.6 million dollars over a phishing scam

Puerto Rico government was manipulated over a phished email on Jan 17th in San Juan, the capital city and had…

5 years ago

Ransomware hits North Miami Beach Police Department demanding millions of ransom

Ransomware has infected the North Miami Beach Police Department encrypting data and demanding millions of ransom.

5 years ago

Four Chinese hackers were charged for Equifax data breach

Four hackers who were accused of the Equifax data breach are Xu Ke, Liu Lei, Wu Zhiyong, and Wang Qian.…

5 years ago

RobbinHood ransomware is back through Gigabyte exploit and can shutdown endpoint security applications

Attackers have developed a Robbinhood ransomware variant which is capable of removing the endpoint security applications before getting itself installed…

5 years ago

Bouygues construction falls victim to a ransomware attack

The French construction firm has detected some malicious behaviours in their systems and have identified the same as a ransomware…

5 years ago