On March 16, The US Health and Human Service (HHS) Department website was hit by a DDOS attack, affecting the website latency for hours.
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On March 16, The US Health and Human Service (HHS) Department website was hit by a DDOS attack, affecting the website latency for hours.
Cities and enterprises in the United States are falling to PwndLocker ransomware which is asking for ransoms around $650,000. This ransomware was first discovered by the end of 2019 and since then it has encrypted number of enterprises and has demanded ransom from $175,000 to$ 650,000 until now.
Ultrasonic waves can be deployed to manipulate voice assistants to interact with the attackers fetch sensitive data, make fraudulent calls, read two-factor authentication codes, and more.
On Feb14th, at 10:00 pm local time the company became victim to a ransomware attack and has infected its systems.
The US agency that takes care of secured military communication in and out Whitehouse has been hacked and found to have exposed personal data of about 200,000 people.
Hamas Palestinian militant group executed a catfishing campaign by disguising as teenage girls to lure Israelian soldiers by interacting with them to perform social engineering attacks and install a malicious app on their mobile devices.
Puerto Rico government was manipulated over a phished email on Jan 17th in San Juan, the capital city and had lost around $2.6 million over the scam.
Four hackers who were accused of the Equifax data breach are Xu Ke, Liu Lei, Wu Zhiyong, and Wang Qian. They have been charged with stealing intellectual property, confidential information, trade secrets, social security numbers, names, birth dates, credit card numbers, and passwords.
While the law is only confined to Californian residents, few companies have extended their CCPA compliance support to all the Americans. Netflix, Microsoft, Starbuck, UPS and more companies are extending their CCPA compliance to the entire country than just for California.
Cacheout is a speculative execution vulnerability in the modern Intel processors that were developed before October 2018. Cacheout is considered to be very critical by the researchers as it can bypass multiple boundaries, affecting hyper-threads, processors, virtual machines, user to kernel space, and even the Intel Security Guard Extensions (SGX).
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