Cyber Security

U.S warns Russia may bypass heavy sanctions using Ransomware payments.

The Treasury Department's FinCEN (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network) sent a warning to U.S. Financial Institutions this week for increased ransomware…

3 years ago

Chinese APT41 hackers breached into Six U.S. State Organizations

The Chinese APT41 hackers, a state-sponsored threat entity of China had breached into at least six U.S state government environment…

3 years ago

Samsung data breach by LAPSUS$ leak source codes and 190GB of data

Samsung has confirmed that the firm is hit by a security breach which has resulted in the exposure of internal…

3 years ago

COVID passport apps puts users privacy and their personal data at risk

The Digital Vaccination Applications that are commonly used as safe passes and travel passports are exhibiting behavior that could put…

3 years ago

Top 5 Hacking Tools for 2022- Best Hacking Software

Hacking tools are used by red teams, security professionals and hackers to test or breach a network or device. Here…

3 years ago

Romania’s largest oil company ‘Rompetrol’ hit by Hive ransomware operators

Romanian gas station 'Rompetrol', a subsidiary of KMG International is hit by a ransomware attack. The website and their Fill&Go…

3 years ago

Anonymous operators hack into Russian TV Channels and Streaming Services

Anonymous operators hacked into Russian streaming services Wink and Ivi (Netflix alternative for Russians) along with TV channels Russia 24,…

3 years ago

US-based entity trains hackers to crash Russian Servers

Hackers across the world are working together to crash (DoS) Russian servers with the Bluekeep Vulnerability flaw that was reported…

3 years ago

Anonymous claims Yandex data breach affecting 150K users

Anonymous is back it again, the hacking group claims to have breached into the Russian search giant network.

3 years ago

Dallas IT worker accidentally erased 20TB data of Police Case Files

20 Tb of Dallas Police Department's files have been accidentally erased by an IT worker with 8 million archive of…

3 years ago