Remote code execution vulnerability identified in the PPP daemon (pppd) software that comes in Linux operating systems and in other networking devices.
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Remote code execution vulnerability identified in the PPP daemon (pppd) software that comes in Linux operating systems and in other networking devices.
Cities and enterprises in the United States are falling to PwndLocker ransomware which is asking for ransoms around $650,000. This ransomware was first discovered by the end of 2019 and since then it has encrypted number of enterprises and has demanded ransom from $175,000 to$ 650,000 until now.
Ultrasonic waves can be deployed to manipulate voice assistants to interact with the attackers fetch sensitive data, make fraudulent calls, read two-factor authentication codes, and more.
DopplePaymer Ransomware creators have published a new website called ‘Dopple Leaks’ were it has disclosed the encrypted data of few companies that it had infected.
In this guide, we’ll discuss how Windows 10 users can reduced their data being tracked and increase their privacy in overall.
Raccoon is deployed using Phishing, Exploit kits and PUA (Potentially Unwanted Applications). This malware was first known as Mohazo, Legion, Racealer and was found in Russian forums.
On Feb14th, at 10:00 pm local time the company became victim to a ransomware attack and has infected its systems.
The US agency that takes care of secured military communication in and out Whitehouse has been hacked and found to have exposed personal data of about 200,000 people.
Security researchers at Kaspersky have identified a new mobile Trojan called Ginp that is capable of infecting Android devices. Banking Trojans usually access SMS in mobile devices to identify the one-time codes, once gaining access to apps, then the Trojan will have extensive access over the device and banking apps in particular.
Microsoft SCCM is a platform for managing network systems, and Intune is another platform that helped users simplify enterprise mobility management with its capabilities to manage roaming devices. SCCM and Intune administrators had one prime challenge, that is to control devices managed by SCCM and Intune in a unified console and that is why Microsoft Endpoint Manager is here.
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