Europol shuts down VPNLab to limit ransomware operators

The Europol has shutdown the VPNLab servers that has advertised its services on the criminal underground and had users from various cybercrime operators, including ransomware groups. Europol has seized 15 servers of VPNLab in Netherlands, Canada, Germany, France, Latvia, the US, Ukraine, France, Czech Republic and the UK.
However, there weren’t any arrests regarding this VPNLabs move, however the VPNLabs website is blocked and the site shows Europol seizure banner. Edvardas Sileris, Head of Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre explained that attackers are evolving everyday, and the investigations are just proving that they do go out of their ways to hide their online activity.
More about VPNLab and their services
VPNLab has been there since 2008, and their service is built on the OpenVPN technology with 2048 bit encryption, with capabilities to anonymize connections for its users and costs only $60/year.
VPNlab also targeted criminal underground as their target audience as their intention and motives will align with the service that is being offered. It can even hide their home connection and infrastructure details giving absolute stealth for malicious activity.

Another VPN service shutdown by the Europol
DoubleVPN is another VPN service that was shutdown last year by the Europol and Dutch police for their criminal involvement and the purpose of the VPN service.
After taking down the VPNLab, several data were found on those servers, and the owners of those data were notified, including 100 businesses. Law enforcement agency is working with the potential victims to figure out further details and effects of the data exposed.

The below are authorities were involved in this operation to shutdown VPNLab, (source: Europol)
- Germany: Hanover Police Department (Polizeidirektion Hannover) – Central Criminal Office and Verden Public Prosecutor’s Office
- Netherlands: The Dutch National Hi-Tech Crime Unit
- Canada: Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Federal Policing
- Czech Republic: Cyber Crime Section – NOCA (National Organized Crime Agency)
- France: Sous-Direction de la Lutte Contre la Cybercriminalité à la Direction Centrale de la Police Judiciaire (SDLC-DCPJ)
- Hungary: RSSPS National Bureau of Investigation Cybercrime Department
- Latvia: State Police of Latvia (Valsts Policija) – Central Criminal Police Department
- Ukraine: National Police of Ukraine (Національна поліція України) – Cyberpolice Department
- United Kingdom: The National Crime Agency
- United States: Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Eurojust
- Europol: European Cybercrime Centre (EC3)
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